Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life. ~Henry L. Doherty
I love taking on-line art classes, I believe I have become the Queen of on-line students! Earlier this summer I took on online workshop with Susan Sorell who owns the Creative Chick Studio. The course was six weeks long and called Fertile Earth. I have admired Susan's work from afar, and enjoyed taking a class with her.
The photo is an abstract Cole Slaw that I created in the class. It began by slicing a head of cabbage in half, painting it and using it as a beginning stencil for the work. Behind all of the bright colored "cabbage strips" is extensive embroidery with both a back-stitch and straight stitch.
I have just a rough finish on the edge, I believe I am just going to place this in my portfolio of things created for future reference.
Hey Kathy! Thanks for sharing your piece and my class with your readers. ;) I have a lot of pieces I finished in years past and am pulling them out and adding to them/reworking them. Hope to see you in another class!